Member Price- BBQ and Bowls ($10)
Join the Association
We greatly appreciate donations and are able to continue heavily subsidising what we offer through generous donations.
Becoming a Financial Member (note 2024/2025 financial memberships are due).
Adult Membership price 2024 ($5 AUD)
The TSAA Membership period is 01/12/2024 to 30/11/2025.
As you are aware the Association is a Not for Profit/Charitable Organisation and our fees were only set to cover basic administration costs. Our constitution requires that we charge a membership fee as we are ostensibly a member organisation. As a result, the board have agreed on a new structure that will require you to be a member to use our Social Media platforms, access our member portal on the Website and attend any of our many events.
The annual subscription fee of $5.00 will be charged per person over the age of 18. This is not a family membership and for the purpose of clarity, if two adults from the same family wish to attend an event then both will need to be members. If an adult wishes to bring their TS daughter to an event/camp then the adult/parent/carer needs to be a member.
We believe that this is both fair in pricing and in application and brings us back to representing our membership base. The social media platforms will be operated in the same way, if you wish to be added to the platform you will need to be member.
We are just about to embark on a major upgrade/rebuild of our website so that the platform is modern, interactive and accessible. A Member Portal will be part of the new site and will only be accessible by members. This is due to be completed early 2025.
There is much the board undertakes behind the scenes by way of advocacy and promoting TS in general, our Volunteers work tirelessly to provide better outcomes for the TS community. We believe an annual fee of $5 per person is reasonable and should not cause financial stress to our broader TS community.
Should you have any concerns around this new structure please contact Sean Kenny at or Korina Kenny at